Isn’t the election over?

And, why does Joe Biden want to talk to me?

Nikki Barr
3 min readDec 27, 2022
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Somehow I thought that when the November 2022 election was over, the spam emails from every politician in contention, their supporting cast, and anyone else my data was sold to would stop.

I was wrong.

For most of December, it seems President Joe Biden has been desperate to speak with me. Personal emails from him, his wife, Kamala, and an entire cast of others. I’d like to say that I’ve opened them, inspected the requests carefully, and thoughtfully considered the ask — except I can’t say any of that.

I’ve never opened one of the emails.

No matter the president or what you personally think of them, they aren’t going to email you because they want to chat. Probably not even if you are the captain of your ski team. Most likely, the emails are requests for money — either legit donations or phishing for my credentials or credit card number.

I’m not interested either way.

Photo by on Unsplash

The number of times I have donated to a political campaign can be counted on one hand: Barack Obama (president), Malcom Kenyatta (Pennsylvania…



Nikki Barr

Normal human in an extraordinaire world. Memoir / Humor / Just Life